Because a platform is essential to a writer in today’s publishing world, we have partnered with national branding consultant Jacqueline Wolven to help you create the platform that’s right for you.
Branding – January 16
Writers, Bloggers, Small Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Artists – everyone who is trying to share a message or sell a product needs to understand their brand. It isn’t just for Tide and Coca-Cola! In this session you will understand how your brand lives online and in real life. The session explores the making of a great brand and all of the elements you need to develop yours.
Platform – February 20
It isn’t just social media anymore — you are developing a platform to share your message and attract the right customer, publisher, investor or visitor.
Tying together social media, blogging, and brand development this workshop will walk through ALL the elements you need to get yourself noticed.
We will cover the basics of what a platform is and how to craft yours — helping you through exercises that cast away what isn’t serving your brand. We will cover brands that are rocking their platform on every media and those that are sorely lacking, to help you see the difference. Tools, tips and tricks will be part of this session — be prepared to take notes and walk away knowing what you want to do to develop your platform.
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Blog Right-Get On Track with Blogging – March 19
Social Media Survey – April 16
What’s a platform and why does it matter to a writer, blogger, entrepreneur, speaker or consultant? Social Media is an important piece of the platform puzzle. In this workshop, we will survey Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Periscope,
YouTube, and Pinterest, discuss which ones are right for you, and how you integrate your vision of who you are online.
Hands on, we will talk though specific issues, set goals, and walk out with a plan. No other social media workshop like it!
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Find out more about Jackie here.
Jackie Wolven’s Platform Series in Rogers, AR